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Access GDEL Power Bi reports Open Export Report (V 5.0.0) Filter By Date and or Store Click into the body of the report (Note Amount) Click into the 3 dots (ellipsis) to acitvate tool bar Export Data Data with current layout This downloads the export as an Excel file name the document POSGL046…
NOTE: This article is about the newest launcher (v. deployed on 07/09/2024 If you are on the newest launcher (, you will notice the blue DGR logo is missing from your screen This is because this new version uses the application launcher as an all-in-one tool: you can now launch and update…
Pre-Setup Copy folder with the following items Staging/ Solutions Background/Epson/Icons/Launcher/Shortcuts/Zebra Set new Background Image Stop the following Counterpoint Services and set to Manual NCR Counterpoint Device Services API Local Devices to RDP Driver Radiant CounterPoint Services - cpql1.l…
If you Solutions DGR is offline from the network you might receive this message. In the top right of the logo you will see a small Offline tag Offline Expectations Automatic Offline Mode: * The system will detect when it cannot communicate to the API (likely due to internet connectivity issue) and will m…
SETTING UP WORKSTATION AND TESTING * POS (Set up, configuration and testing by IT Group) Workstations Needs Computer setup with drivers (printer, scanner, etc) installed Receipt Printer - confirmed that it’s printing Solutions DGR Launcher installed on the workstations Solutions DGR…
Solutions Software * Open the launcher * Start Solutions DGR * Login to Solutions DGR * Open production screen * Reset Password first time use and ever 90days * For continuous print mode, select "Print Labels" or “Print Tags” Will be predefined based on hardlines (continuous) softlines (on-demand) * Color rot…
Transcription: Alright, so say you're at production and you're printing tags that are way too dark. And since it's too dark, you're not going to be able to scan that QR code. There's a way to fix this specifically on the printer itself, where you can configure it using the feed button right here: So. What you…