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Home > Solutions POS > 2/27/2024: Tech Tip Tuesday Summary
2/27/2024: Tech Tip Tuesday Summary
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Good afternoon everyone,   


Thank you all for your participation in this Tuesday's Tech Tip Tuesday! Below are the summary notes I promised outlining what we discussed at our meeting.  


As a reminder, all TTT meeting notes can be found on HappyFox


Our next TTT will be 3/12/2024 


Tech-Tip Tuesdays   


IT’s responses are in Red   

Tech Demonstration  

  • We demonstrated how to ring up vouchers on Solutions. We also discussed the method of using vouchers as well. Please make sure to include HelpDesk on your email to accounting when using a voucher so we can disable it on our system.
  • We discussed 5 revisions to the Power BI Solutions reports. Below are the added/revised reports added on 2/26/2024:
    • Sales by Category (Analysis Dashboard)
    • Voided or Abandoned Transactions by Employee
    • Serial Payments History
    • Customer Report
    • Production by Employee
  • 5 new additions/revisions are going to added the week starting 3/4/2024 as well:
    • Round Up by Employee/Round Up Summary
    • Taxable Sales by Category
    • Pulls by Employee
    • Reconciliation By Employee
    • Sales by Day



Solutions Updates  

the current version of Solutions for all stores is 180.6, which was released on 2/06/2024

This release contains hotfixes.

Additional Functionality/Bug Fixes (since

  • PRJ-7380 Data issue – Request malformed due to the use of tildes does not synchronize
  • SUP-46389 PowerBI – EOD Deposit Reconciliation Report – not updating?!?
  • SUP-46462 Credit cards sales not showing (EOD report)
  • SUP-46362 3 Locations reporting same issue of freezing transactions but client shows that it was taken out
  • SUP-46413 POS register #1 froze up attempting credit card transaction
  • The following changes are reverted:
    • PRJ-7076 Process Card indication does not stay on the screen
    • PRJ-7118 TSYS Test turning off Duplicate charges
    • PRJ-7196 TSYS Modify Terminal Timeout


Hardware/Software fixes

No specific Hardware/Software fixes were mentioned. If you'd like to check fixes that have been, and will be implemented, check out the Solutions Reported Bug Fixes article.



Questions for Solutions


Jacqueline Games and Kim Price

  • When scanned and doesn’t take on screen, how do we know? There should be a different sound if there is an error and it doesn’t scan.

Jason Wolf

  • When cash drops occur and you have option to put in value for cash and check, it automatically defaults to cash, which is why some employees accidentally put it in as check rather than cash.


Greg submitted a ticket with these suggestions to Solutions. They have also been added to the Solutions Reported Bug Fixes article.



If you'd like to discuss a topic, please complete the Tech Tip Tuesday Topic form! 

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