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Home > Solutions POS > Solutions: How to Reset Password in Web Portal
Solutions: How to Reset Password in Web Portal
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Managers and Team Leads can reset employee passwords in Solutions if needed. To reset another user's password, your security level number within Solutions needs to be less than the person's password you are trying to reset.


Below is the descending list of security levels and their designated titles:


10: Donation Attendant

25: Production Associate

50: Customer Service Associate

70: Team Lead

71: Assistant Store Manager

72: Store Manager

75: District Manager

98: IT 

99: Admin



How to Reset Password in Solutions Web Portal:


1) Log onto the Solutions Web Portal


2) Click on the Employees Tab on the left navigation column


3) In the Add and Maintain Employees section, filter to your store number:


4) Once you select your store, there will be a table with employee IDs, Names, and Store IDs within the Employees Information Section. Select the employee that needs their password reset within Solutions. Once you select the employee in the table, their credentials will populate in the Add and Maintain Employees section


5) Create a new password in the Password field, retype the password in the Retype field, and click the Require Password To Be Reset checkbox. Once you are finished, press Update


6) Once you update the employee's password, you will receive a message that it is successful:

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