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Home > Solutions POS > 11/29/2023: Tech Tip Tuesday Summary
11/29/2023: Tech Tip Tuesday Summary
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Tech-Tip Tuesdays 


IT’s responses are in Red 

Tech Demonstration  


Solutions Updates 

Solutions version is currently at all stores. We've noted every issue reported in your Help Desk Tickets to Solutions. We are still looking into the Cash Drop issue, and hopefully, the issue of slowness/freezing will be fixed in the next version releasing soon:


Notes on the upcoming version are below:

            ·        PRJ-7093 Loyalty points should be 100 points not 101 (see tblLoyaltyClass)

·         PRJ-7091 S1 Report missing items.

·         SUP-44336 Offline mode NG items – SKU Not found Version 159

·         SUP-44555 reports several instances of lost production due to freezing over the past 3 days

·         SUP-44859 Incorrect employee discount

·         PRJ-7181 NetworkManager client headers are not thread safe

·         PRJ-7182 Locally Suspended Transactions in Offline Mode Do Not Actually Get Suspended.


Software/Hardware Issues 

  • Angel Webber:
  • Leslie DeBruce
    • Cashdrop issue: When cashdrop needs to happen, a reminder to do a cashdrop should appear and Solutions should give you 3 more transaction until you are locked out; however, we've noticed that no notification is shown, and it just locks the user out. This has been happening since going to the new version (2 weeks ago)
      • Several other stores are reporting this issue as well
      • We spoke with Solutions, and unfortunately, we do not have any evidence of this happening to show them so they are not able to pinpoint the issue. I (Niko) am going to Kirkwood tomorrow to see if I can watch this happen to a cashier so I can record anything I see.
  • Tyrone Wilford:
REMINDER: If there are any future POS/Production topics you would like to go over for our next meeting, please let us know. We will also be holding office-oriented TTT-style meetings in the future on a monthly basis. If there are any Microsoft demonstrations you'd like to see, or any topics you'd like to discuss, please let us know as well.
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