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Home > Solutions POS > 11/14/2023 Tech Tip Tuesday Summary
11/14/2023 Tech Tip Tuesday Summary
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Tech-Tip Tuesdays 


IT’s responses are in Red 

Tech Demonstration  


Solutions Updates 

Solutions version is coming to all stores (upgrading from 5.0.169). There should only be one bug fix and specific user interface changes. The changes are below: 

·         PRJ-5256 POS Screen Switch Buttons 

·         SUP-42857 Store Credit 10001196 (wrong balance after void payment) 

·         PRJ-7080 Production Workstation: Location Out of Order in dropdown Store 

·         PRJ-7024 Current Data Issues 9/25 

·         PRJ-6998 SITW API Locking Up – Improve the batch process 

·         PRJ-7031 Error synchronizing loyalty 

·         PRJ-6999 POS – Change the minimum supported Windows version 

·         PRJ-6263 Validate POS Entries against Database Limits 

·         PRJ-6343 BUG Email field not legible 

·         SUP-44716 Return All with a discount does not apply the quantity to the discount being returned 

·         SUP-44834 freezing when creating new newsletter profile 

·         PRJ-7117 POS An Exception Occurs When You Begin The Return Process For a Prior Sale 

·         SUP-44969 Offline mode is not charging tax at store 

·         PRJ-7179 Items left with the “IsRequestInProgress” flag set to true and not sent until the APP is restarted. 

·         PRJ-6151 Cashier is getting “Barcode has expired” when scanning a new created item 

·         PRJ-7079 EOD issue 

·         PRJ-7083 BUG Product Lookup on POS should hide inactive items 


Software/Hardware Issues 

  • Lindsay Hale: When you select other names when changing racks on softlines, it gives credit to whoever is signed in.  
    • Greg: We’ll ask Solutions (Tyneel) about this issue 
  • Chris Alexander: Sales by Category report is not showing up-to-date information. The last report that shows is from October 5th 
    • Greg: This is a glitch from Solutions’. It should be refreshing. We’ll have to contact Solutions on this matter as well. 
  • Lawren Beggs: Solutions is letting us take CP/SC from other stores. We were told that this should not be possible 
    • Greg: I do not believe there are any restrictions. As far as I know, it is ok for store credit from other stores to be used. 
  • Jacqueline Games: The Sales By Category report in Power BI takes a long time to populate.
    • Greg: it should come up within a minute or two at most. We’ll open a ticket with Solutions to see why this specific category is causing issues for people. 
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