Tech-Tip Tuesdays 1/30/2024 IT’s responses are in Red Tech Demonstration * We demonstrated the filtering controls in Power BI - specifically in the Production by Employee Sell Through, which is a report that shows how much a production employee is producing and how much money their produced goods bring in. Solut…
Teams Cart Guide Glossary 1.............................................................................................. Cart Guide 2............................................................. Keyboard and Mouse Settings 3........................................ Connecting to Teams Through Web Client …
Board Room Guide Glossary 1.......................................................................................................... Keyboard and Mouse Diagrams 2..................................................................................... How to Schedule Microsoft Teams Meetings 3.................…
If you have virtual meetings that you would like to schedule using the same link and meeting information, follow the instructions below. 1) Select the day of the first meeting in your series 2) Create the meeting and generate the Microsoft Teams meeting information 3) Once you create the meeting, open th…