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Solutions: POS Digital User Manual
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.........................How to Assign a Drawer

.........................How to Pause a Drawer

.........................How to Balance a Drawer

.........................How to Run the "End of Day"

.........................How to Correct EOD Numbers

.........................How to Comment on EOD Report



..........................How to Ring a Cash Sale

..........................How to Ring Credit Sale

..........................How to Ring a Store Credit Sale

..........................How to Ring a Voucher Sale

..........................How to Ring Up a Gift Card Sale

..........................How to Ring Up a New Gift Card

..........................How to Refund a Single Item

..........................How to Refund an Entire Purchase

..........................How to Refund Item to Store Credit

..........................How to change a Customer

..........................How to Create a Tax-Exempt Customer

..........................Ringing Up a Tax-Exempt Customer

..........................How to Change the Quantity

..........................How to Remove a Line Item

..........................How to Override or Change the Price

..........................How to Reprint a Receipt

..........................How to Lock a Register

..........................How to Unlock a Register

..........................How to Open the Cash Drawer

..........................How to Suspend a Sale

..........................How to Unsuspend a Sale

..........................How to Pull Petty Cash

..........................How to Edit a Tax Exempt Customer

..........................How to Add a Customer



..........................How to Produce Apparel Barcodes

..........................How to Produce Hardline Barcodes

..........................How to Recall a Donated Good Item from Production



..........................Printer Summary

..........................Loading Roll Media

..........................Status Light Indicators


Point of Sale (POS) Quick Guide



The Main Menu is the central source of navigation that leads you through Solutions POS. This gives you the ability to access and manage all factors associated with Point of Sale.




How to Assign a Drawer


1) Open Solutions DGR by double-selecting the icon


2) Sign in using your manager login information. Select OK



3) Select the Assign Register icon on the main menu


4) Select the register you wish to assign


5) Select the Employee whom you wish to assign the register


6) Double-check the starting amount


7) Select Assign Register


8) At this point, the drawer will open. Put the till in the drawer and close the drawer. The following receipt will print:



9) Place the paper in the drawer for collection at the end of the shift.


10) Select OK to close the Open Day screen


11) The cashier can now enter their login information. Select OK.


12) Select the POS icon on the main menu



How to Pause a Drawer


1) Have a manager log on to the Menu Screen and Select Assign Register


2) Select the register that is not being used and then select Pause



3) Notice the Status changes to 3 which is the status code for Paused. The drawer that is paused will show under the Register column. When the cashier is ready to run the register again, follow the same steps as above, but select Activate.


How to Balance a Drawer


1) Go back to the Menu


2) Select the Balance Drawer icon on the main menu


3) Put in the manager's credentials.


4) Then, enter the employee's or manager's credentials.


5) Select employee and drawer that will be balanced



6) The drawer will open and a summary of the drawer totals will print. Take the drawer and the paper to the money counting area.


Now, access the Balance Drawer feature from the office:


1) Open Solutions POS by double-selecting the icon


2) The manager will enter their login information


3) Select the Balance Drawer icon on the Main Menu


4) The manager will enter their login information


5) If the manager entered their login information, this Drawer Selection will pop up:

Select the employee register you wish to balance from the dropdown menu, then select OK


6) Count the drawer. Be sure to include any cash drops from that register. If the amounts do not match, count the drawer again and try re-entering the information



7) Once the numbers have been both entered and accepted by the system, the summary of the drawer totals will print and the following messages will be displayed:



How to Run the "End of Day" Procedure


1) Once all registers have been closed, select the End of Day icon on the Main Menu


2) Locate the total cash deposited, minus any change orders paid back from Power BI.


Record each total in the Cash box.


Select Process



**NOTE: All other payment types will autofill


3) After selecting Process, the following message will be displayed:


Select OK to dismiss the message. From there you will be brought back to the main menu.


How to Correct EOD Numbers

NOTE: Do this from the GDEL portal


1) Choose End of Day on the main menu


2) If you're in Enterprise mode, first select the store for which you want to make changes


3) Select the date you want to change.




4) Notice the numbers are greyed out. Select Unlock to make the numbers changable


5) After selecting Unlock,  you will receive the following message letting you know that you are about to overwrite the EOD data already processed


Select Yes to proceed with changes


6) Enter the correct amounts in the Actual Deposit fields. Then, select Process



7) You will receive the following message asking if you want to write the EOD data to file


Select Yes to proceed


8) After selecting Yes, the following message will be displayed:


Select OK to dismiss the message


How to Comment on EOD Report

NOTE: Do this from the GDEL portal


1) Choose End of Day on the main menu


2) Select the store for which you want to make changes


3) Select the date you want to change.



4) Select the Comment button on the top right:


5) Type your comment in the New Comment box. All previous comments will appear as well.


Once you're finished, click the Save button. 


This comment will show in the Over/Short report on Power BI once Power BI syncs:





Point of Sale - Deeper Dive





How to Ring a Cash Sale

1) Select a product


2) Select a product


3) Select a price point


4) Select Pay Now


5) Choose Yes or No when asked to round up for our Mission Services Programs


6) Enter the total transaction amount in the Cash text box field, then select Process


How to Ring Credit Sale

1) Select a product category


2) Select a product


3) Select a price point


4) Select Pay Now


5) Choose Yes or No when asked to round up for our Mission Services Programs


6) Enter the payment amount in the Credit Card text box field, then select Process


7) Select the Process Card button


8) Enter the card information manually or ask the to swipe/tap/insert their card. Entering the card information may require a manager override.


How to Ring a Store Credit Sale

NOTE: for CounterPoint store credit sales, make sure to add in the 'SC-' before putting in the number. You will ring it up in the store credit field. DO NOT use the CP GC/SC field.


1) Select a product category


2) Select a product


3) Select a price point


4) Select Pay Now


5) Choose Yes or No when asked to round up for our Mission Services Programs


6) Enter the Total transaction amount in the Store Credit text box field. Then, select Process.


7) Enter the Transaction ID number found on the Store Credit balance receipt


8) Select Validate


9) Select Process



10) Select OK



How to Ring a Voucher Sale

1) Select a product category


2) Select a product


3) Select a price point


4) Select Pay Now


5) Choose Yes or No when asked to round up for our Mission Services Programs


6) Enter the transaction amount in the Voucher text box field, then select Process


7) In the field that reads Card Number, enter the voucher number. Then, press Validate and then Process.





How to Ring Up a Gift Card Sale

1) Select a product category


2) Select a product


3) Select a price point


4) Select Pay Now


5) Choose Yes or No when asked to round up for our Mission Services Programs


6) Enter the total transaction amount in the Gift Card text box field, then select Process


7) Scan the gift card barcode or type in the number


8) Select Validate and Process





How to Ring Up a New Gift Card

1) Choose the Gift Card category


2) Choose the Gift Card product


3) Select the Gift Card amount


4) Select PAY NOW


5) Enter the payment amount in the correct payment field (i.e. Cash) then select Process


6) The Serial Payment Information" window will open. Enter the Gift Card Number in the Card Number field.


7) Select Validate


8) The system will search for the Gift Card number to validate. Once it has been found, select Activate


9) When the card has been activated successfully, you will receive this message:


Select OK


How to Refund a Single Item

1) Select the Return icon


2) If applicable, the manager on duty will need to log in


3) Enter the transaction ID from the original receipt. Then, select OK


4) Select the Quantity by pressing the  button on the item.


5) Enter the quantity of the item being returned using the quantity keypad, then select OK


6) Select PAY NOW



7) Enter the total transactional amount in the Cash text box field, then select PROCESS


8) The manager must enter their login information to open the cash drawer


9) The drawer will open and a return receipt will print. Collect the required cash and return to the customer.


How to Refund an Entire Purchase


1) Select the Return icon


2) If applicable, the manager on duty will need to log in


3) Enter the transaction ID from the original receipt, then select Return All



4) Select PAY NOW



5) Enter the total transactional amount in the Cash text box field, then select PROCESS


6) The manager must enter their login information to open the cash drawer


7) The drawer will open and a return receipt will print. Collect the required cash and return to the customer.



How to Refund Item to Store Credit


1) Select the Return icon


2) If applicable, the manager on duty will need to log in


3) Enter the transaction ID from the original receipt. Then, select OK


4) Select the Quantity by pressing the  button on the item.


5) Enter the quantity of the item being returned using the quantity keypad, then select OK


6) Select PAY NOW



7) Enter the transaction total in the StoreCred text box field


8) Select PROCESS



How to change a Customer

1) Select the Customer Lookup icon


2) The following message will appear:

Select Yes


3) Select the customer you wish to use. You can use the fields above the table to search for the customer as well.


4) Select OK



How to Create a Tax-Exempt Customer


1) Select the Customer Lookup icon


2) The following message will appear:

Select Yes


3) Select the New button on the Customer Lookup screen


4) Complete the following fields


5) Select the Nontaxable checkbox in the Class(es) category


6) Select SAVE


7) Enter the customer's tax-exempt information by completing the following fields:


8) Select OK 



Ringing Up a Tax-Exempt Customer

1) From the POS screen, select Customer Lookup


2) The following message will appear:

Select Yes


3) Search for the tax-exempt customer on file


4) Select OK to apply the customer to the sale.


5) You will receive this message informing you that the customer is TAX FREE:

Select Yes to continue



How to Change the Quantity

1) Select the Quantity Pencil icon in the line item you wish to modify


2) Enter the new quantity using the quantity keypad and press OK



How to Remove a Line Item

1) Select the Trash icon in the line item you wish to remove



How to Override or Change the Price

1) Select the Pencil icon next to the price of the item that you wish to change


2) Enter the new price using the price keypad. Select OK


How to Reprint a Receipt

1) Select the Reprint icon


2) Select or enter the transaction ID in the TransID text box field


3) Select Print 



How to Lock a Register

1) Select the Security icon


2) Select the Lock Register icon



How to Unlock a Register

1) The cashier will enter their login information


How to Open the Cash Drawer

1) Select the Security icon


2) Select the Open Drawer icon


3) The manager will enter their login information


4) The cashier will enter their login information



How to Suspend a Sale


1) After all items have been entered, select the More Menu icon


2) Select the Suspend icon


3) You will see this window:

Select YES to proceed with suspending the transaction


4) You will receive a receipt that looks like the following:




How to Unsuspend a Sale

1) Select the More Menu icon


2) Select the Unsuspend icon


3) Enter the transaction ID from the Suspended Transaction receipt you received when you first suspended the customer. Select OK 


4) You will see this window pop-up:


Select Yes to proceed with unsuspending the transaction



How to Pull Petty Cash

1) Select Paid Out


2) Select Paid IN or Paid OUT


3) Select OPEN


4) Enter the amount you are adding or removing from the register. Then, select OK


5) Select Pay Now on the POS screen


6) Select the total on the right side. It will pull over the correct amount selected in the Cash text-field


7) Select PROCESS



How to Edit a Tax-Exempt Customer

1) Select the Customer Lookup icon


2) The following message will appear:

Select Yes


3) Enter the last name of the customer, then select Find


4) Select the customer in the table. Then, select the Edit button


5) To edit the Tax-Exempt information, select the ellipses next to Tax Ex #


6) The following information will appear:

Change the date to the new expiration date. Then, select OK



How to Add a Customer


1) Select the Customer Lookup icon


2) The following message will appear:

Select Yes


3) Select New


4) Enter the following information shown below:


5) If the customer is a Newsletter Customer, select Newsletter and either Taxable or Nontaxable


6) Select Save





How to Produce Apparel Barcodes

1) Select Production on the main menu


2) Select the Employee and Location ID Loc ID from the drop-down menu


3) Select Print Labels


4) Select an apparel category


5) Select a product


6) Enter the quantity of the item you are producing


7) Select a price level




8) After a rack is produced, select Save


How to Produce Hardline Barcodes


1) Select Production on the main menu


2) Select the Employee and Location ID Loc ID from the drop-down menu


3) Make sure the Print Labels button is highlighted


4) Select the quantity of the item you are producing


5) Select a product category


6) Select a product


7) Select a GBB price level



8) After a tote is produced, select Save



How to recall a Donated Good Item from Production

1) Select Production on the main menu


2) Select Reconcile from the top toolbar


3) The following message will appear

Select Yes



4) With the cursor selected in the scan bar, scan the barcode you are trying to remove


5) Once all items are scanned, select Save


6) When finished, select Production from the top toolbar


7) The following message will appear

Select Yes


Printer Troubleshooting



Printer Summary

Each station uses the Zebra GK420d Desktop Printer to produce Tags and Labels:





Below is an illustration to familiarize yourself with the printer's controls, connectors and indicators:




Opening the Printer

To access the media compartment, you must open the printer. Pull the release latches towards you and lift the cover. Check the media compartment for loose or damaged components


Powering the Printer On/Off

Press up to turn ON or down to turn OFF the printer


Loading Roll Media


Whether your roll media is inside or outside wound, you load it into the printer the same way.


Remove the outside length of the media. During shipment, handling, or storage, the roll may become dirty or dusty. Removing the outside length of media avoids dragging adhesive or dirty media between printhead and platen.




Open the printer by pulling the release latch levers towards the front of the printer. 


Then, open the media roll holders. Pull the media guides open with your free hand and place the media roll on the roll holders and release the guides. Orient the media roll so that its printing surface will face up as it passes over the platen (drive) roller.



Pull the media so that it extends out of the front of the printer. Verify the roll turns freely. The roll must not sit in the bottom of the media compartment. Verify that the media's printing surface is facing up



Push the media under both of the media guides


Then, you can close the printer.


Status Light Indicators

The status light - located to the left of the feed button - provides information on printer status and errors. See below for status light descriptions, and how to troubleshoot:\


LED Status and Color


Printer Status


For a Resolution;

click to refer to number:


Off Off 1
Solid Green On 2
Solid Amber Stopped 3
Flashing Green Normal operation 4
Flashing red Stopped 5
Double flashing green Paused 6
Flashing Amber Paused 7
Alternatively flashing green and red Needs service 8
Flashing red, red, green Needs service 9
Flashing red, amber, green Memory defragmentation 10



1) The printer is not receiving power

  • Have you turned the printer on?
  • Check the power connections from the wall outlet to the power supply, and from the power supply to the printer.
  • Disconnect the printer from the wall outlet for 30 seconds and reconnect the printer to the wall outlet.


2) The printer is on and in an idle state

  • No action is necessary


3) The printer has failed its power-on self-test (POST)


  • If this error occurs right after turning on the printer, contact an authorized reseller for assistance. When the printer is operating normally, the printer status light will be amber for about 10 seconds before turning green (solid or blinking)
  • If this error occurs after you have been printing, turn the printer power off and on, and then resume printing
  • If this error continues, turn the printer power off for five minutes or more, and then turn it on. If the amber light persists, then the printer requires service.


4) The printer is receiving data

  • As soon as all of the data has been received, the status LED will turn green and the printer will automatically resume operation.


5) The media is out

  • Follow the instructions for Loading Roll Media, then press the Feed button to resume printing.


6) The printer is paused

  • Press the Feed button to resume printing


7) The printhead is over-temperature

  • printing will stop until the printhead cools to an acceptable printing temperature. When it does, the printer will automatically resume operation


8) FLASH memory is not programmed

  • Contact the HelpDesk - the printer needs to be replaced and returned.


9) The printhead or motor has had a critical failure

  • Contact the HelpDesk - the printer needs to be replaced and returned.


10) The printer is defragmenting memory

  • CAUTION: Do NOT turn off the printer power during defragmentation. Doing so can damage the printer
  • Defragmentation is a normal operation of the printer—necessary to manage the memory space for optimal use. The printer will defragment its memory both after a factory default and when the printer detects that a defragment is required. When the printer is in this condition, allow it to finish defragmenting. If this warning occurs frequently, check the label formats. Formats that frequently and repeatedly write to and erase from memory may cause the printer to defragment often. Using formats that avoid frequent and repeated memory write/erase events will minimize the need for defragmentation.
  • If this warning condition does not go away, the printer requires service. Contact Technical Support.




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