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Corporate Conference Room: How to Use Polycom For Virtual Meetings
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Poly Studio is a business-class videoconferencing tool that allows for easy Microsoft Teams accessibility. Poly Studio works in collaboration with a dedicated PC (located behind the TV), touch console, and sound bar. This guide will go over specific features on the touch console, as well as how to schedule a meeting in the conference room.  


Keyboard and Mouse Diagrams:


The back of the keyboard has the PC and Lenovo settings. Press either Bluetooth 1 for the PC or 2 for the Touchpad.
Press the middle button (2) to turn either channel. Press either Bluetooth 1 for the PC or 2 for the Touchpad.



How To Schedule Microsoft Teams Meetings

You can schedule Teams meetings either through Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Teams. You should do this at your own computer, and not at the Conference Room computer. Below, we’ll outline how to setup meetings through both applications


 Microsoft Outlook

1. Open Microsoft Outlook either through your desktop application or your web application. For this example, we'll be using the desktop application. 

2. Select the calendar icon . Now, click on the  button on the home tab's ribbon.]

Note: if you do not see either button, click  on the top right of your screen and select . You should be able to locate the button on the left side of the ribbon now. 



3. In the meeting tab's ribbon, click . This will convert your meeting into a virtual meeting with a clickable link below your message.  Finish the rest of the meeting details and remember to add The Corporate Conference Room ([email protected]) as a required attendee along with the other attendees. Click  once you're finished. Notice how Corporate Conference Room also populates in the Location section of the invitation




Microsoft Teams

1. Open Microsoft Teams either through the desktop application or the web application. For this example, we'll be using the desktop application. 

2. Click the  button on the left side of the window. 

3. Click the  button on the top right of the window.

4. Finish the rest of the meeting details and remember to add Corporate Conference Room ([email protected]) as a required attendee along with the other attendees. Make sure to add Corporate Conference Room in the Location section as well. Click   once you're finished. 



Note: You can also forward an already existing meeting to the Corporate Conference Room, and it will work the same.

Once you schedule a Teams meeting using either Outlook or Teams and invite Corporate Conference Room, it will show on the Poly Studio touch console.


Using The Poly Studio Touch Console

The touch console has easy-to-access options for Teams meetings, and for presenting during non-Teams meetings. Below displays pictures of the console, along with information about some of its features.


Touch Console Home Screen:


In Teams Meeting:


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