As of 2024, The Goodwill Center has 4 classrooms available for reservations: Classrooms A, B, C, and D. Follow the instructions below to add these calendars to your Outlook account, and reserve times to them.
Add Calendar to Outlook
1) Open Outlook (either the web version or the desktop version - whichever you prefer)
2) Navigate to your calendar.
3) Select the Add calendar button on the left
4) Select the Add from directory option
5) Choose your account in the dropdown
6) Add the classroom calendar. For this example, I am going to add classroom B's calendar ([email protected])
7) Select which calendar folder you would like to add it to and press Add
8) The calendar is now available to view within the calendar folder you specified when adding it.
Reserve Classroom
1) To reserve a classroom, you'll need to make a meeting within your own calendar. Click the New event button on the top left
2) Add a title to the meeting. IMPORTANT: in the invite attendees section, add the classroom you would like to reserve.
3) Once you've specified the days and times you would like to reserve the classroom, press the Send button.
4) If the classroom is available at this time, you will receive an accepted message, and the event will be placed on the calendar
If you do not see the event on the Calendar, try exiting out of Outlook and entering back in. It should populate then.
If there is already an event scheduled in the classroom, your request will automatically be denied