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Sage Intacct Manage Views
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Manage views

Each time you open a view, it displays all the data that matches the filtering, sorting, and display options specific to that view. You can create new views or edit, rename, share, save, or delete existing views.

When you enable enhanced lists, all current public views and your current private views are automatically migrated to the enhanced views for that list.

New view

If standard views are insufficient for displaying the list items and values that you need to see, you can create a custom view. A custom view can be based on a standard view or another custom view, or you can create a completely new custom view.

Create a new view in one of the following ways:

  • Start filtering and setting display options on any list, then save the view as a new view.

  • Start from the new view dialog box and follow the wizard in an orderly progression through display and filtering options.

To create a new view:

  1. Go to Manage view > New. The Create New View wizard appears.

  2. Enter a unique name for the view.

  3. Go to Columns and select + beside each column you want to include in the view.

  4. Optionally, add filter criteria to further hone the results you want to display in the view.

  5. Optionally, apply sorting to display the results in a different order.

  6. Optionally, select Public to change the sharing from the default of Private. Changing the default to Public shares the view with everyone who has access to the list.

After you save the view, it appears in the All dropdown list.

To create new view:

You can quickly create a new view when you are working in an existing view. For example, you might modify the existing view, and want to save it as a new view so that the existing view remains saved as it was before you modified it.

  1. Go to Manage view > Save as.

  2. Give the view a new name. The original view remains as it was before the modifications. The new view includes the modifications.

Edit a view

System views cannot be edited. You can copy a system view using Manage view > Save as. You can then edit the new view as needed.

Edit a view in one of the following ways:

  • On the fly, for example, if you want to quickly add or change a single criteria or display option

  • Within the Edit View dialog box if you want to view and edit multiple criteria and display options

If the All dropdown list of views is long, you can quickly filter for the required view by entering the view name in the Search field at the top of the list.

To edit a view:

In the view you want to edit, you can do any of the following:

  • Display options:

    • To move a column, drag and drop it to the appropriate location.

    • To sort, freeze, or specify text wrapping for a column, select the gear icon on the column.

    • To add, remove, or sort multiple columns, select the gear icon above the list.

    • To split the screen display to view row details, select the split screen icon.

  • Filter options:

    • To filter on a column, select the filter icon Filteron the column.

    • To filter on the entire list, select Advanced above the list.

If you want to keep the changes that you made, be sure to save the view. If you edited a standard view, and want to keep the changes, save the view with a unique name.

To edit multiple options for a view:

  1. Go to the All dropdown and select the standard or custom view to be edited.

  2. Go to Manage view > Edit.

  3. Make the required updates and save the view. If you edited a standard view, and want to keep the changes, save the view with a unique name (standard views cannot be saved with changes).

After you edit a view, an asterisk appears beside the view name to indicate that the view changed, but has not yet been saved.

Edit a record

You can edit a list record by two means:

  • Select the three dots at the end of the record row and select the required action. Using this method you can view, edit, or delete the record.

  • Select the name of the record, and in the resulting split screen, select the required action. Using this method you can perform all actions as if you were in the actual record page.

Revert a view

If you make changes to a view and decide to abandon those changes, you can revert the changes and return the view to its original state.

To revert a view, select Revert changes above the list.

After an edited view is saved, the modifications cannot be reverted.

Rename a view

  1. Go to the All dropdown and select the standard or custom view to be renamed. The view appears.

  2. Go to Manage view > Rename. The Rename view dialog box appears.

  3. Replace the existing name with another unique name.

Renaming a view simply changes the name. If you want to replicate the view and keep the original, use Save as.

Save a view

As you edit a view, notice that an * appears beside the view name to indicate that the view was changed. The asterisk remains until you either exit the view (and discard the changes) or save it.

Go to Manage view > Save or Save as.

  • Select Save if you edited the view and just want to save it as is.

  • Select Save as if you edited the view and want to keep the original view as is and save the changes to a new view. This option is especially helpful if you edit a standard view and want to keep the edits for repeated use.

Share a view

A view can either be private or public. The default is Private.

  • If the view is public, any person with permissions to the list can see and use the view.

    System views are always public.

  • If the view is private, it is a user view and only the owner has access to it.

To change view accessibility:

  1. Go to All dropdown and select your appropriate user view.

  2. Go to Manage view > Edit.

  3. Go to Shared and select either Public or Private as needed.

Delete a view

Deleting a view removes it entirely from your company.

System views cannot be deleted.

  1. Go to All dropdown and select the appropriate custom view. The view appears.

  2. Go to Manage view > Delete. A confirmation dialog appears.

  3. Select Delete.

Display a hierarchical structure

Note: You can use 10 colors to display your hierarchical structure.

Some lists, such as customers, vendors, and projects, can display a hierarchical structure of parent-child relationships using icons and indentations. For example, you might want to view a list that displays customers as subsidiaries of the same parent company. Or, you might purchase goods or services from subsidiaries or divisions of the same company and need to separately track their contact and payment information. Or, you might want to see an inventory item, including all its subcomponents, at a glance.

Parent items can have an unlimited number of child items, allowing you to view and act on the items as needed. You can still sort and search for items as you would in any view.

If the parent isn't visible because of permission restrictions, or if you filtered the list in a way that the parent isn't visible, the system still shows that the child as indented and colored to indicate that it is a child in a relationship.

To toggle between a flat and hierarchical view of a list:

The default for a list that has hierarchical items is to display the hierarchical view.

  • To switch to a flat view, simply deselect Display hierarchy above the list. Clearing the checkbox causes all items to be displayed by their unique ID, whether or not they have relationships to other items. To return to the hierarchical view, select Display hierarchy.

Don't see Display hierarchy on your page?

Edit the number of records per page

Select the number of rows to display in pages that provide lists of records. The default is 50 lines. You can change this number to accommodate your monitor's resolution and line speed. The greater the number, the more lines you can see without selecting Next.

  1. Select your username at the top right of the page.

  2. Select My preferences from the dropdown menu under your username.

  3. In Personalize page defaults, change the number of items shown on each page.

If you have a slow Internet connection, increasing the line number might increase the time it takes to download the additional data.

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