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Solutions Process EOD
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How to Process EOD in Solutions 5.0

Full Manual can be found here

Processing End Of Day allows a manager to record their deposit. 

This is done at the end of the night after all cashiers have been balanced out for the day. 

This function is usually done at the manager’s computer 

Note:  If the manager's computer is down for whatever reason, EOD can be done at any of the registers. 

Here are steps to complete EOD:

  1. Sign into Solutions DGR 5.0
  2. Select End Of Day

  1. Enter Manager’s Credentials

  1. Notice that it pulls into today’s day with expected for all payment methods except for Cash Actual Deposit Amount. 
  2. In the Cash Actual Deposit field enter the amount of your deposit (the sum of all cashier’s cash sales for the day)
  3. Select Process
  4. You should get “End Of Day Complete!” message

Steps to Unlock EOD to make corrections to a previous EOD. 

If your organization allows for you to unlock and make corrections to EOD, you will need to do the following steps.

  1. Sign into Solutions on the Manager’s computer
  2. Select EOD
  3. Enter in Manager’s credentials
  4. Select the date that you want to make a correction to

  1. Select unlock
  2. A Message will appear with the following message select yes

  1. In the Actual Deposit Column enter the new amount
  2. Select the Comment button and notation the reason for unlocking with your initials.(see the section on how to add a comment for instructions)
  3. Select Process

To add a Comment In End Of Day

Solutions provides managers with a way to communicate to the Accounting Department on any discrepancy with cashier’s totals and/or with the bank deposits. Any comments added to EOD will be listed on the Over/Short Power BI Report for all to see. 

Adding Comments to EOD can be done on the End of Day screen after balancing out a cashier throughout the day and as often as needed.  Managers do not have to wait till the end of the day. 

Follow these steps to add a comment

  1. Sign into Solutions DGR at the manager’s Computer
  2. Select End of day Icon
  3. Select the Comment Button
  4. Enter the comment to the New Comment Section 
    1. Suggestion: add your initials at the end of your message which tells the accounting department who commented. 

  1. Selecting Save will add the comment to the Previous Comment section and will not be erased. 
  2. Any comments added afterwards will be added to just under the previous comment.
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