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Home > Solutions POS > Solutions GL Export
Solutions GL Export
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Access GDEL Power Bi reports


Open Export Report (V 5.0.0)

Filter By Date and or Store

Click into the body of the report (Note Amount)

Click into the 3 dots (ellipsis) to acitvate tool bar

Export Data

Data with current layout


This downloads the export as an Excel file

name the document POSGL046071823 = Store number and date

Move the document to M:\MAS90\Home\textout

Delete the header row and end row (note how many rows)


Login into Sage 100

Go to Modules\General Ledger\Utilities\General Ledger Exchange

Click next until you get to the Exchange File Type and Exchange File name screen (don’t change any settings prior to this screen as these are set)


  • Change the Exchange File Name to the name you created when you exported it out of PowerBi


  • Click next until you get to the Completing the General Ledger Exchange Settings Wizard screen
  • Check the Execute the exchange when clicking finish
  • Click Finish

*NOTE if you get any errors, most likely there is someone in GL entry.  No one can be in GL Entry when this process is occurring. 

  • Test the exchange settings prior to importing (click Yes)
  • It will tell you the total number of records imported out of a total number.  Both numbers should match.   (If the totals don’t match you have a bad GL # and you must then go back or edit the batch in GL Journal entry)




  • If totals do not match, Preview import log (Yes) – write down accounts that do not match.  Need to pull report from Paycom.  Reports/Report Center/Saved Reports/Employee Payroll Distribution
    • Click Load
    • Click on Step 5 Review
    • Choose XLS under Output Format
    • Click on the numbers next to Transaction under Dates
    • Check the box next to the pay period the GL is being done for (uncheck an others that may be checked off)
    • Click Update
    • Click Generate Report
    • Click Download
    • Click Open
    • Search for numbers that are incorrect that were written down in a previous step from saved Excel spreadsheet saved in M drive
    • OR See Greg or Barb for assistance in correcting
  • If totals match, Print import log (No);
  • Continue with Import, Click Yes
  • Message will appear on the number of records imported (number must match number received in step above), Print an import log? (No)
  • Click Cancel
  • Exit MAS 200



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