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Home > Solutions POS > Solutions POS Training Checklist
Solutions POS Training Checklist
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POS Training Checklist
How to
●    Open the launcher
●    Start Solutions DGR
●    Login to Solutions DGR
●    Assign a register (Seclev 70)
●    If cashier is assigned, no one else can access drawer
●    Screen layout
●    Categories are blue buttons and Items are yellow buttons
●    Switch buttons
●    More menu
●    Security menu
●    How to complete a sales transaction
●    Scanning items
●    If barcode is not scanning but number is legible, the cashier can type in the barcode number and this will still count as scanning item
●    Important to always scan barcodes to get accurate sell through reporting
●    Adding items manually
●    Select color
●    Manager override
●    If items don't have barcode, what is store's process? Take it to back to get a new barcode 
●    Applying promotions to a transaction
●    Color of the week (COTW) -Sunday 50% sale all items
●    Senior D/C -Wed 30% all items
●    Military D/C- Wed 30% all items
●    Employee D/C -daily 30% all items
●    Enter item of each color and display regular price for all colors except color of the week - see discounted price
●    If applicable - enter other promotion, i.e. senior. Note that all line items eligible for the discount will update with a discounted price. Note that the COTW discounted item will not get the additional discount (discounted amount does not change) 
●    Changing Qty (Seclev 50 b/c items that are not barcoded)
●    Requires manager override because we want to make sure that the barcodes are being scanned to get accurate sell through reporting
●    Changing Price (SecLev 70)
●    Removing line items (set to 10 line item removal per shift)
●    Select line item to remove
●    Scan to remove the item
●    Round Up prompt after choosing “Pay Now”
●    If yes, the round up item is added to the sale automatically
●    If you accidentally choose yes but it was supposed to be no, click “close” on the payment screen and the item is automatically removed
●    Tendering a sale
●    Cash
●    Credit cards
●    Recording split payments 
●    Cash & Credit card
●    Two credit cards
●    Store Credit & Gift Card
●    Voucher & Gift Card

●    Reprint a receipt
●    By scanning
●    By lookup
●    Suspend transaction (SecLev 70) (expires after 1 hr if payment not received)
●    Unsuspend transaction (SecLev 50)
●    Register times out (inactive screen) 180 seconds
●    Register times out (active screen) 180 seconds
●    How to complete a return/exchange
●    Voiding a transaction before it is complete (SecLev 70)
●    Returning a transaction after it has been tendered out (SecLev 70)
●    With receipt
●    Return single item
●    Scanning items being returned
●    Return ALL
●    Without receipt
●    Return to store credit or gift card
●    Customers
●    Customer lookup for loyalty, tax exempt or discounts
●    Editing current customer information
●    Cash drops with/without prompt (SecLev 70) 3 passes; after $250.00 in sales
●    Gift Cards
●    Purchase
●    Redeem
●    Check balance
●    Redeem store credits
●    How to lock a register
●    Auto lock after specific time period of inactivity (3 minutes)
●    How Search for a Product
●    Process Found money
●    Process Cash Donations
●    Open drawer for no sale i.e. change needed (SecLev 70)
●    Requires both manager and cashier 

Balance Drawer
●    Two-step process (SecLev 70)
●    Requires both manager and cashier
●    If cashier not available, manager can balance the drawer. 
●    Begin at register
●    Finish in office
●    Blind close

End of Day (SecLev 70)
●    Record EOD
●    Record EOD comments
●    View closing reports
●    Additional data entry recorded

Password: (no special characters needed)
●    UpperCase
●    LowerCase
●    Number
●    Minimum 7 characters in length
●    Expires after 90 days 
●    7-day notification
●    5 different passwords before you can reuse the 1st one

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