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Home > Microsoft 365 > Emergency Relief Loan Fund Online Application
Emergency Relief Loan Fund Online Application
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The Emergency Relief Loan Fund Online Application is a digital form of the ERF application that is available to all team members at Goodwill. This guide will go through how to access the form, and how to navigate through the form.





1...........Before Accessing...

2...........Accessing the Form

3...........Filling Out the Form







Before Accessing...


When you first try to access the form, you may see this window:



Click Allow. This window is basically asking for permission to access these applications. Once you click allow, you can continue navigating to the form.




Accessing the Form


There are currently 3 ways to access the form:


1) Direct Link


By clicking on this link, you can access the form directly and fill it out:


2) QR Code


You can access the form by scanning this QR code with your smartphone:


3) SharePoint


The form is also embedded on the Family Strengthing SharePoint site. The form is located underneath the document library where the physical ERF application document lives.





Filling Out the Form


1. To start the application process, read the Overview and Eligibility text. Click the 'Click Here' button once you're finished.



2. Continue reading the important notes. Once you're finished, click the button at the bottom of the screen.



3. Fill in all the information provided on the screen. NOTE: you cannot continue until every field is filled out. Once you are finished, the 'Click Here to Continue' button will become visible and you can continue.


Also, note that you can scroll down the list on the Reason for Request field and select more than one option.



4. On the summary page, you are given a synopsis of how much money you are requesting and the reasons you selected. Use your mouse (or finger if you are doing this on a smartphone) to sign the form in the box and press Submit.



NOTE: if you notice information is missing on the summary screen or need to change the information from the previous screen, please click the  button on the top left.


5. When you are finished, click the 'Click Here to Exit' button or close the window to exit the form. 


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